Bulletin: 8th of September 2024

Fr Peter Madden, PP VF             

31 Sixtowns Road, Draperstown, Co. Derry  BT45 7BA

Tel:  028 7962 8376

Fr Michael McCaul, CC                                   

50 Tobermore Road, Desertmartin, Magherafelt Co. Derry  BT45 5LE

Tel:  028 7963 2196

E-mail:  desertmartinparish@gmail.com     •     Web:  www.desertmartinparish.com

 Desertmartin Parish Office: Tel:  028 7939 7047       

 Opening Times:  Wednesday and Thursday 10.30 am to 3 pm

Bulletin Notices and Names for the Anniversary List can be emailed to the parish email address and Names for the Anniversary List can also be left in the parish office before 3 pm on Wednesday. (Phone Line is not working at present)

Christenings:  To book a baptism, contact Fr. McCaul on 028 7963 2196

Confessions: Saturday Evenings in St Patrick’s Keenaught from 6.30 – 7.10pm.


Saturday Vigils:     Holy Rosary 6 pm        St Patrick’s Keenaught 7.30 pm

Sunday MorningsStraw 9 am  Coolcalm 10 am  Sixtowns 11 am  Moneyneena 12pm

Weekday Masses:

Coolcalm:        Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at  10 am   

Holy Rosary:   Monday and Wednesday at 10 am and Friday at 7.30 pm.


Deaths and Anniversaries

Please remember in your prayers:

Annette McWilliams Dunmurray and Henry Devlin, Draperstown whose funerals were held during the week.

Kathleen Breen, Tony Faulkner, Paddy Joe O’Neill who died recently.

Mary McPeake Kevin Donnelly, James O’Hagan, Gertrude Higgins, Gerard McCann, John T Higgins whose anniversaries occur at this time.

The First Anniversary Mass for Angela Trainor, Drumsamney, and Mary Stewart, Derramore Park Magherafelt will be celebrated on Friday 13th September at 10.00 am in St Mary’s Church, Coolcalm, Desertmartin.

  • Fr John Downey’s First Anniversary Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday 18 September in St Eugene’s Cathedral, Derry at 7.30 pm. All welcome.


  • On Saturday morning, September 21, at 11.00 am in St Eugene’s Church Moneyneena there will be a Mass of Remembrance at which a dedication to Fr Downey, presented to Ballinascreen Parish by his family will be unveiled and blessed. Everyone welcome.

Thank You for your generous contributions to the Parish.  Sunday/Priest’s Collection envelopes:  £782.51 & £801.61 for Restoration Fund.  Thank you to those who contribute to the parish by direct debit.

Fund for Retired Priests: collection Next Sunday has been set aside for a Special Collection for the Retired Priest of our Diocese.  Due to the increasing numbers of retired Priests, there is added pressure on this fund.  Your generosity would be appreciated for this collection.  Thank you.

Opening of the New School Year Masses.  *   Knocknagin PS on Thursday the 12th September at 10.00 am in St Mary’s, Coolcalm.   *    St. Columb’s PS Cullion on Thursday the 26th September at 10.00am in St Patrick’s, Keenaught.  All welcome.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation.   The sacrament of reconciliation is a sacrament of healing. The word reconciliation means ‘to be at peace again’. Jesus established the Sacrament of Reconciliation, so that we can obtain forgiveness of sins and be reconciled with God, the Church, others, and ourselves.  The sacrament of reconciliation will be available from 6.30pm until 7.10pm on Saturday evenings beginning on Saturday the 14 September 2024.

Knocknagin Hall CommitteeMonthly Tea Dance:  on Fri. 13th  September, music by Chris Dallet dancing 9pm to midnight, admin £7 including light supper.   Positive Ageing: Afternoon Tea Dance Wednesday 30th October, 1pm to 3pm, Music by Ireland’s top country duo, Country Harmony. Free Admission, Registration necessary, To register contact Age Friendly Co-Ordinator, Raisa Donnelly-03000 132 132 or email- raisa.donnelly@midulstercouncil.org

Irish Language Class  8 weeks course commencing  on Monday 9th September from 7:30 to 9pm. £3 per night or £15 for the 8 weeks   Chair Exercise Continues on Tuesday mornings at 10am.

Irish Dancing Lessons, continues on Tuesday evenings at 6pm  to register Contact Nicola on 07518207458

St Mary’s Bowling Club:  new season, Tuesday nights from 8pm to 10pm new members welcome

Craft Fair  Sunday 10th November, now taking booking, £20 a table or two for £30

Come along to any of the above actives and enjoy a fun way to exercise,  keep fit and improve your health and wellbeing. to register Contact  Olive 07887614094, Kathleen 07764277809 or Anne 02879 642711

SARSFIELD’S ACCORDION BAND:  September Monthly Draw winner, No. 35- Greenlough AOH Div.

Band practice resumes on Thursday 19th September at 7:30. New and past members welcome.



Safeguarding Contact;  Marie Gormley Diocesan Designated Liaison Person (DLP) phone +447596500793, or email mariegormley@derrydiocese.org


Horticulture Classes in the polytunnel on Back Road, Draperstown, behind the Soup Kitchen, on Thursdays, 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm.  Everyone welcome.  For more details, please ring STEPS on 078 2111 9367.


Padre Pio Trip to Knock on the 22nd SeptemberThe bus is now fully booked.




The Net – September 2024:  Sharing the fruits of the faith in the Derry Diocese, the latest edition of ‘The Net’ is available in the Church as well as on the Diocesan website. Coverage in this edition includes *  Diocesan Medjugorje Youth Pilgrimage  * Blessing of new Granaghan Graveyard Altar & Cross  * Mass at Glenshane Mass Rock  * Blessed Carlo relics in Bellaghy  * Visit of St Bernadette’s relics  * St Vincent de Paul volunteers  * Diocesan Diary… and more.

 AdoptionAre you interested in adopting a young child into your family?  The Western Trust is holding a Virtual Information event about Adoption on Tuesday 10 September 2024, from 3.00 – 5.00pm, via Microsoft Teams.  If you would like to join the online event, please contact the Adoption & Permanence Team in Omagh on 028 82835114.

The sacrament of reconciliation will be available from 6.30pm until 7.10pm on Saturday evenings beginning on Saturday the 14th of September 2024.

S.V.P. ~ School Uniforms:  St. Vincent de Paul presently has an abundance of uniform items for St. Mary’s Primary

School and St. Colm’s High School.  These items are all in wonderful condition and the majority of them have been dry cleaned.  If interested in acquiring any of these items, please contact S.V.P. on 077 1083 8050 .

Cornstore Goes Country: Fundraising Event on Friday 28 September in An Ràth Dubh at 8.00 pm. Music by Kick the Dust and Craic Of Don followed by Disco by Big Dee.

Kilcronaghan Centre:  Crochet Class for beginners and improvers, starting Monday 23rd September for 6 weeks, 10 am – 12 noon.  ◾  Painting Classes start back on Wednesday 11th September, 10 am and 7 pm.  ◾  New Beginners Painting Class commencing October if there is enough interest.  Register your name now.  ◾  Creative Writing commences on Tuesday 8th October, 10.30 am – 12 noon.  ◾  Watercolours Painting with George Gourley from Monday 4th November, 10 am for 4 weeks.  ◾  Annual Vintage Rally, Craft Fair and Family Fun Day on Saturday 28th September from 11 am.  New free attraction – Mobile Petting Farm.  Also, the Family Health Van taking health check appointments on the day from 11 am.  Message 078 2196 3749.  Tel. 028 7962 7826.  Email manager@kilcronaghan.co.uk for more details or to book on any of the above classes.

Warm Welcome Wednesdays  Recommences on Wednesday 11 September, in Workspace Community Hub, from 11.00 am – 1.00 pm. No need to book, just drop-in for tea  /coffee and some chat. Free of charge. All  welcome.

SMA Novena 2024  In honour of St Thérèse Of the Child Jesus, Patroness of the Missions: Monday 23 September to Tuesday 1 October.  Daily Mass & Novena Prayers at 10.00am & 7.30pm, SMA Chapel, Dromantine.  All are welcome.  You can also participate via webcam (www.sma.ie).

Weekend Retreat for Mission Supporters and Friends of SMA:  Friday 27th (4.30 pm) – Sunday 29th September (2 pm).  The SMA community welcomes our supporters and friends to this Weekend Retreat and Reflection, an opportunity to take time aside in the tranquil and relaxed setting of Dromantine.  All will join in celebrating Mass each day at the Novena in honour of St. Thérése.  The Sacraments of Reconciliation and of the Sick will be celebrated during the weekend.

Derry Diocesan Pilgrimage to KnockBishop Donal McKeown will lead the Derry Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock on Saturday 28th September.  Mass with Anointing of the Sick will take place at 3 pm in the main Basilica.


Could You ‘Host for Hospice’?  October is officially Foyle Hospice ‘Coffee Morning Month’.  We are calling on supporters to help us raise vital funds by hosting a Coffee Morning.  Whether it’s at home, work or in your local community, get your friends together and get the kettle on, it’s a piece of cake!  To request your Free host pack or for more information, please call Ailbhe McDaid, Community Fundraiser on 028 7135 9888 or email: ailbhe@foylehospice.com



Sperrin Foodbank Opening HoursFoodbank operates Monday – Friday 9 am – 5 pm.  If you or someone you know requires assistance, please call 075 4342 0639.  No questions asked or criteria to meet.  Follow them on Facebook at Sperrinfoodbank or email foodbank@theworkspacegroup.org.


Stress ControlFree online stress control classes at https://ni.stresscontrol.org/.  For more details, see online bulletin at www.desertmartinparish.com.

St. Eugene’s Cathedral Pilgrimage to Fatima:  19th – 24th October.  Cost £770 per person sharing with a single room supplement of £150 (subject to availability).  For more information, please contact Anne Marie Hickey by email at amhickey@derrydiocese.org or phone St. Eugene’s Parish Office on 028 7126 2894.

Medjugorje Irish Centre Pilgrimages, Oct 20247 Nights Apartment B&B from €273 per person sharing.  Airport transfer available on request.  Contact us for details and book the dates that suit you.  Tel. 00353 01 443 4510 or visit the website www.med-irishcentre.com.

Pilgrimage to Rome and San Giovanni:  4th – 10th November, led by James Molloy.  Spiritual Director, Fr. John McKeever.  To book, phone Kieran and Laura Troyon on 00353 57 935 5050.  To book by debit card, see www.myriam.ie.  Passport details needed when booking.  Coach pickup at Oakleaf Restaurant, Maghera.  Cost 895 Euro p.p.s.

Glenshane Pilgrimage To Rome, San Giovanni, and Monte Cassino:  6th – 10th November.  €895 euros all in.  Afternoon flights with Aer Lingus.  Excellent accommodation and dinners.  All coaches and tours included.  Phone Kieran and Laura on 00353 57 935 5050.

Pilgrimages to Fatima Easter 2025Ex Dublin, Easter 2025:  13th May 2025 Feast day of Our Lady of Fatima; 13th June 2025 for Feast of Saint Anthony; 13th October 2025.  Contact James Treacy on 00353 6 192 1470, Email: jamestreacyphotography@gmail.com.

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