Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B 3rd of November 2024

Fr Peter Madden, PP VF             

31 Sixtowns Road, Draperstown, Co. Derry  BT45 7BA

Tel:  028 7962 8376

Fr Michael McCaul, CC                                   

50 Tobermore Road, Desertmartin, Magherafelt Co. Derry  BT45 5LE

Tel:  028 7963 2196

E-mail:     •     Web:


Parish Office: Tel:  028 7939 7047       


Opening Times:  Wednesday and Thursday 10.30 am to 3 pm


Bulletin Notices and Names for the Anniversary List can be emailed to the parish email address and Names for the Anniversary List can also be left in the parish office before 3 pm on Wednesday.

Christenings:  To book a baptism, contact Fr. McCaul on 028 7963 2196


Confessions: Saturday Evenings in St Patrick’s Keenaught from 6.30 – 7.10pm.


Saturday Vigils:     Holy Rosary 6 pm        St Patrick’s Keenaught 7.30 pm

Sunday MorningsStraw 9 am  Coolcalm 10 am  Sixtowns 11 am  Moneyneena 12pm


Weekday Masses:

Coolcalm:        Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at  10 am.   

Holy Rosary:   Monday and Wednesday at 10 am and Friday at 7.30 pm.

 Deaths and Anniversaries

Please remember in your prayers:

James P O’Hagan, James Lyttle, Jim McIvor, Teresa Maguinness, Jean Walls, Alphonsus Shaw, Rosie Donnelly, Frances Wilson, Anne McGuigan, Penny Morgan whose anniversaries occur at this time.

Thank You for your generous contributions to the Parish. Sunday/Priest’s Collection envelopes: £1,664.00 & £97.00 for Mission Collection. Thank you to those who contribute to the parish by direct debit.

Baptisms: We welcome Eadoin Scullin and Eireann Bilton into God’s family through the Sacrament of Baptism:

In Memory Candles are available at the back of Keenaught and Coolcalm churches throughout November. Cost £1.50. Please put money in the candelabra slot.

A Book of Remembrance will be placed in both St. Mary’s, Coolcalm and St. Patrick’s, Keenaught for parishioners to enrol the names of their deceased loved ones from 1st November. These books will be open all through November.

Annual Mass Of Remembrance: The Annual mass of remembrance held each year in November will take place on the following dates: Ballinascreen Monday 11th November in Holy Rosary at 7.30 pm and Desertmartin Monday 18th November in St Patrick’s Keenaught at 7.30 pm.

Padre Pio Mass The monthly mass in honour of St Pio of Pietrelcina will be celebrated on Monday November 4th at 7.30 pm in the Holy Rosary. Novena prayers and Rosary at 7.10 pm.

Eucharistic Adoration in Holy Rosary Church on Monday 4th November from 12 noon until 7.25 pm.

Deceased Children And Young People’s Mass Annual Mass for deceased children and young people will be in St Eugene’s Cathedral, next Sunday 10th November at 7.00 pm. There will be an opportunity to write down the name of your deceased loved one before Mass. All welcome to attend or view live on St Eugene’s webcam. If unable to attend this Mass but would like to have a child or young person remembered at this mass, please email the name to by Friday 8th November

Pioneer Pledge for the month of the Holy Souls: A short-term pledge gives spiritual support and encouragement to people and their families who are living under a shadow of addiction. Contact the Pioneer Total Abstinence Association on 003531 805 4226 or via

KNOCKNAGIN HALL COMMITTEE Monthly Tea Dance: Fri. 8th November, music by Colin Harney, dancing 9pm to midnight. Adm £7 including light supper.

Craft Fair Sunday 10th November, 10:30 to 4pm, Crafters from all over Mid-Ulster with a wide selection of handcrafted items will be in attendance.

Irish Languages Class: new 6-week class begins on Monday 4th November. Due to high demand numbers are limited to book a place contact 07887614094. asap

Chair Exercise Continues on Tuesday mornings at 10am.

Knit & Natter: continues on Tuesday nights at 7:30pm

Irish Dancing Lessons , continues on Tuesday evenings at 6pm to register Contact Nicola on 07518207458

Line Dancing continues on Wednesday nights at 7:30pm

Acro Bat Gymnastics Club: Gymnastics continues on Saturday mornings from 9am

Arts Care, Here & Now; a series of sessions with mindfulness and being in the present, a conversation and fun, imaginative exercises into putting your thoughts and ideas down in writing. we need another 6 people to sign up otherwise the programme will not be able to go ahead, If interested please Contact Olive on 07887614094. asap

Sarsfield’s Accordion Band: Band practice Continues on Thursday nights at 7:30 pm. All members ask to attend in order to learn new tunes for the Christmas visit to the Nursing Homes on Saturday 14th December

Ballinascreen Historical Society Boyd Gray from West Ulster Genealogy Services will give a talk entitled “Local Genealogy and online databases” on Tuesday November 5th at 8pm in the Community Hub. Everyone welcome

Warm Welcome Wednesdays in Workspace Community Hub, from 11.00 am – 1.00 pm. No need to book, just drop-in for tea /coffee and some chat. Free of charge. All welcome.

Baby Massage Classes Rosie’s Baby Massage and Reflexology Classes start Friday 15 November. WhatsApp 07749121208 for details.

Sixtowns Dance Classes Beginners Social Dance classes begin on Tuesday 5th November at 8.30 pm in Sixtowns Cross Community Hall. Everyone welcome.

Sycamore Faith Discovery Programme Sycamore is an informal course about our Catholic faith and its relevance for life today. It gives you space to meet other people, share ideas, explore your beliefs, and think about questions that really matter. In preparation for the Jubilee Year 2025 the focus will be on the gift of prayer. Each session involves a short film quiet reflection time and a discussion. The course will be run by Fr Peter O’Kane, Diocesan Adult Faith Formator on the following Tuesdays: 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th November and Monday 2nd December, 7.30 to 9.30 pm in Dungiven. Please register at sycamore. to facilitate venue. Refreshments served. Everyone welcome.

Ards Retreats What is God’s Dream for your Life’ Wednesday 6th Nov 10.00am -3.30pm. Additional dates 11th Dec; 22nd Jan 2025 and 19th Feb 2025. This day will be welcoming of everyone, wherever they find themselves on life’s journey. It will be particularly useful for individuals and teams who want to take time away from the busyness of life and discover or rediscover a sense of direction and purpose in their lives. Facilitated by Jim Deeds. Cost €65 (includes light refreshments and lunch). For enquiries and bookings email or phone Ards Friary on 00353 749138909.

Advent Reflection Retreat: Preparing for the Birth of the Christ Child: Sunday 10th Nov, 1.00 pm-6.00 pm. A day of Scripture, song and silence that will equip you go into Advent with plenty to fill our minds and hearts as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Resources to aid your personal prayer during Advent and to lead others in prayer in your parish and community will be provided. Facilitated by Jim Deeds. Cost €65 (includes light refreshments and lunch) For enquiries and to book phone 00353 749138909 or email

Walking with the Franciscan Mystics From Friday 22nd Nov – Sunday 24th Nov. Encounter some of the great Franciscan Mystics and find ways to share in their wisdom and vision for a world renewed by the light of Christ and communion with creation. Facilitator Br Richard Hendrick. Cost €240. For more details email or visit their website

Northern Trust Stress Control The classes are FREE and the next round will commence on Monday 11th November at 9am, with session two on the following Monday at 9am (18th November 2024). Each class will begin at 9am and will be available to watch online for around 1 week after the start time, ending an hour before the next session is due to be released. The details of the class schedule are on the information sheet attached. Please feel free to share this information with anyone you think might benefit. If you have any questions or queries please get in touch using this email

Confirmation 2025: Desertmartin Confirmation will be celebrated in St Patrick’s Church, Keenaught on Sunday 2nd March at 10.00 am. Ballinascreen Confirmation will be celebrated in Holy Rosary Church on Sunday 2nd March at 2.00 pm. Bishop Donal McKeown will preside at both Confirmation ceremonies.

First Holy Communion 2025: Desertmartin Parish: Cullion P.S. on Saturday May 10 in St Patrick;s Church Keenaught, Knocknagin P.S. on Saturday May 17 St Mary’s Church Coolcalm. Ballinascreen Parish: St Mary’s P.S. Draperstown on Saturday May 10 in Holy Rosary Church; St Columba’s P.S. Straw on Saturday May 17 in St Columba’s Church; Gaelscoil na Speiríní on Saturday June 7 in Holy Rosary Church, St Eoghan’s P. S. Moneyneena on Saturday June 7 in St Eugene’s Church.

Pilgrimages to Fatima Easter 2025: Ex Dublin, Easter 2025: Flying with TAP airlines; 13th June 2025 for Feast of Stt Anthony; 13th October 2025. for Miracle of Sun. Contact James Treacy on 00353 6 192 1470, Email: payments by instalments acceptable LAST REMAINING SEATS

Safeguarding Contact; Marie Gormley Diocesan Designated Liaison Person (DLP) phone +447596500793, or email

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