Child Safeguarding

All who have a pastoral role involving children and young people in the Diocese of Derry are obliged to uphold the highest standards of safeguarding in order to prevent harm to children. (Policy Statement – Diocese of Derry)

Our Child Protection Officers are: Mrs Patsy McElwee and Mr Adrian McGuigan

The Diocese of Derry recognizes and upholds the dignity and rights of all children and is committed to ensuring their safety and well-being.

Because the young are among the most vulnerable human beings, we are committed to safeguarding all children and young people and take the necessary steps in order to ensure and promote a safe environment for children participating in church liturgies and activities.

We uphold the child’s right to protection, respect, care and encouragement in his or her spiritual journey through life.Safeguarding

While child safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, all involved in working with children have a special duty to ensure that participating children are safe and protected from abuse. The welfare of the child is paramount; therefore concerns and allegations of misconduct are to be taken seriously and dealt with strictly in line with the law.

To this end we have in place effective written policies and procedures outlining the role and responsibilities of the Diocese which can be accessed at:

All clergy, staff, volunteers and all who have a pastoral role involving children and young people in the Diocese of Derry are obliged to uphold the highest standards of safeguarding in order to prevent harm to children.

If you have any concerns with regard to Safeguarding Children contact:

The Designated Liaison Person:
Mary McCafferty Tel: (0044) 7514 265 252
Noel O’Donnell Tel: (0044) 7596 500 793

You may contact the
Statutory Authorities directly:

N.I. PSNI Tel: 0845 600 7131 4090
Gateway Services Tel: (028) 7131 4090

ROI Garda Central Unit
Tel: (00353) 1666 3474/1666 3475

HSE Social Worker
Letterkenny, Donegal
Tel: (00353) 74 912 3770 / (00353) 74 912 3672
Buncrana Tel: (00353) 74 936 1044