Bulletin: 25th October 2020

PARISH BULLETIN – 30th Sunday of the Year – 25th October 2020




St. Eugene’s, Moneyneena:                5 pm

Holy Rosary, Draperstown:                6.15 pm [webcam]

St. Patrick’s, Keenaught:             7.30 pm



St. Columba’s, Straw:                         9 am

St. Mary’s, Coolcalm:                  10 am [webcam]

St. Patrick’s, Sixtowns:                       11 am

Holy Rosary, Draperstown:               12 noon [webcam]



Holy Rosary Church:  Monday and Wednesday ~ 10 am; Friday ~ 7.30 pm.

St. Mary’s Church, Coolcalm:  Tuesday, Thursday and Friday ~ 10 am.


All Masses in St. Mary’s, Coolcalm are transmitted live via the Desertmartin parish webcam:


All Masses in the Holy Rosary Church are transmitted live on the Ballinascreen parish webcam:






Following recent government regulations, parishioners and visitors must wear face masks or face coverings at Masses and other celebrations in our churches.  It is essential to do all we can to help stem the growth in the number of Covid-19 cases.





Please remember in your prayers:


Aiden Quinn, 65 Longfield Road who was buried during the week.


Sadie Wright, Joe Neville, John Smyth, Patsy Cassidy, Brian O’Neill, Gavin Bradley and Kieran McGarvey who died recently.


Francis John Loane, Dennis McBride, Harry McBride, baby Mary McBride, Fran Fullen, Annie Mary Fullen, Alphonsus Shaw, Elizabeth Moore and Mary Edge whose anniversaries occur at this time.





We welcome into God’s family through the Sacrament of Baptism:

Caoimhe Essie McCann, 93B Iniscarn Road and Brian Pat McIvor, 13A Gortahurk Road.



THANK YOU for your generous contributions to the Parish.

Last Week:

Sunday Collection/Priests’ Collection envelopes:  £1,005.00.

Restoration Fund envelopes:  £95.00.

Mission Sunday Collection envelopes:  £545.00


Many thanks to all who have returned parish envelopes, established standing orders, have made online payments or used the ‘Donate’ button on the Parish Website.  Your generosity is vital to the parish and is appreciated very, very much.



The local St. Vincent de Paul Society helps many people who are short and in need in our two parishes.  The Society would appreciate any donations parishioners would be able to spare.  If you would like to make a donation, please place it in an envelope marked ‘St. Vincent de Paul’ and place it in the collection box at the church door at Sunday Mass or put the envelope through the letterbox at the Parochial House.  Thank you.



Devotions in Holy Rosary Church today, Sunday 25th October at 5 pm.  Parishioners welcome.  Devotions will be broadcast on the Ballinascreen parish webcam at https://www.churchservices.tv/Draperstown



At the recent general meeting of the Irish bishops it was agreed that the beginning of the month of November should be marked with a short Service to dedicate the month of November as a month of Prayer and Remembrance for the Dead and for the Comfort of the Bereaved.

This Service is to take place on Sunday 1st November at 3 pm in cathedrals and churches throughout the country, and people will be invited to participate via webcam and other online media from their homes.

In the Desertmartin and Ballinascreen parishes the services will be broadcast on the parish webcams simultaneously at 3 pm from St. Mary’s Church, Coolcalm and the Holy Rosary Church, Draperstown.  Due to the huge number of people who would usually attend these services, they will be available on the webcams only.

Monday 2nd November is All Souls Day and a day when people visit family graves and churches.  More details will be available next weekend as we hope to have all churches opened on this special day, except during Mass times in St. Mary’s and the Holy Rosary, when Mass will be available only on the webcam due to the high numbers that cannot be accommodated at this time.

A short booklet for families has been created to highlight the month of November as a time to remember and pray for our dearly departed.  It marks out the feast days, provides a family prayer service, instructions to prepare a sacred space in the home and some prayers for November.  We hope it may bring comfort, solace and the light of Christ to many people during the coming days and weeks.  The booklet can be downloaded at this link: https://www.derrydiocese.org/news/november-prayer-service-for-use-at-home



St. Mary’s, Coolcalm, will be open for private prayer during the week ONLY on Monday and Wednesday from 11 am to 1 pm.

Please wear a face covering while entering and leaving the church.  When you call into the church please pick up a coloured card at the door on the way to your seat.  When you have finished praying please leave the card behind on your seat.  That seat will be cleaned later in the day.  Thank you.



If parishioners in Desertmartin and Ballinascreen wish to have their loved one prayed for at the 10 am Mass in Coolcalm or the 7.30 pm Mass in Holy Rosary on a Friday, phone the Desertmartin Parish Office answering machine on 028 7939 7047 or email desertmartinparish@gmail.com by 12 noon on Thursday of the relevant week.  These Masses from Coolcalm and the Holy Rosary may be viewed on the respective Parish webcams:

For Coolcalm go to www.desertmartinparish.com and click on the blue webcam button.

For Holy Rosary, go to www.parishofballinascreen.com and click on the word ‘webcams’ in yellow.

Other church webcams can be accessed at www.churchservices.tv.



Masses will be held as follows:

7.30 pm Vigil Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, Keenaught.

10 am Sunday Mass in St. Mary’s Church, Coolcalm (webcam).


In Ballinascreen Parish:

5 pm Vigil Mass in St. Eugene’s Church, Moneyneena.

6.15 pm Vigil Mass in Holy Rosary Church, Draperstown.

9 am Sunday Mass in St. Columba’s Church, Straw.

11 am Sunday Mass in St. Patrick’s Church, Sixtowns.

12 noon Sunday Mass in Holy Rosary Church, Draperstown.

Church doors will open 30 minutes before Mass starts.

Because of the new guidelines regarding social distancing, the number of parishioners that may attend each Mass is limited.  Therefore, following a 2-Week Cycle, each Mass will be for certain areas of the parish.

Full details of this 2-Week Cycle will be displayed on all Church doors, on the parish website at www.desertmartinparish.com, and on local club and community group Facebook pages.

It is very important to note that the Sunday Obligation to attend Mass continues to be suspended.

In the church only families residing in the same household can sit together.

Holy Communion will be distributed at the end of Mass as people leave.

Mass will be broadcast over the external speakers or you can watch Mass via the webcam (Coolcalm and Holy Rosary only).  Those outside the church in their cars can receive Holy Communion once Mass is finished and the congregation has left the Church.  Churches will be closed when the available seats are taken.

The safest place is still to remain at home.



During October it is planned to have a different family recite the Rosary each Monday to Thursday at 7 pm in the Holy Rosary Church, Draperstown, beginning Monday 5th October.  Parents, children, grandparents can come together to lead this beautiful family prayer which will be recorded live each evening and remain online for use at other times.  If youyou’re your family are interested, please email Ballinascreen Parish Office at  ballinascreenparish@gmail.com as soon as possible.  The words and script of all the prayers will be provided.



Thank you to those volunteering to help with stewarding and implementing the new Covid guidelines at our Masses.  We would greatly appreciate more help with our weekend Masses and especially at our funerals.  More volunteers are necessary to us having our churches open for our public Masses and they would be very welcome.  You’re welcome to assist with the cleaning of seats after a Mass you attend.  Thank you.



Mindful that some Readers of the Word of God and Eucharistic Ministers may not be available to offer their services at this time, those who can are asked to please email the Parish Office as soon as possible giving name, address, and telephone number and the church they usually attend.  Thank you very much.  Email Address: desertmartinparish@gmail.com



The Annual Mass for Deceased Children and Young People will be celebrated in St. Eugene’s Cathedral, Derry, on Sunday 8th November at 7 pm.  You can join this Mass live on the St. Eugene’s Cathedral webcam at http://www.steugenescathedral.com/webcam.html

.  If you would like to have a child or young person remembered at this Mass, please email the name to lizzie.rea@derrydiocese.org or telephone 028 7126 4087.



From October onwards, the digital edition of ‘The Messenger’ will only be available to subscribers.  A digital subscription costs just €15 per year and we hope you will decide to subscribe if you are not currently a subscriber.


If you would like to set up a Subscription to ‘The Messenger’ and have it POSTED to you, contact Coordinator, Elizabeth Foley on 00353 87 230 9219 or email: e.foley@messenger.ie.



Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the ‘Totus Tuus’ magazine is now being delivered straight to your door.  If you would like to start receiving ‘Totus Tuus’ to your home, then please phone Fiona on 00353 86 876 0058.



The Padre Pio Mass continues every Monday at 7.30 pm from St. Columba’s Church, Longtower, Derry at http://longtowerchurch.org/webcam/



Throughout October, Month of Mission, the Derry Diocesan Mission Team is offering a series of presentations on what mission means in today’s society.  Each presentation is free and will be available online through Zoom.  They will consist of a short film, discussion on the topic and a chance to ask questions.  Guest speakers:  Martina Purdy, Elaine Kelly, Noel Bradley, Oliver Barrett and Marriage Encounter Ireland.  For further information, visit derrydiocese.org



Brought to you by ‘The Hook of Faith’, a Zoom conference that shines the light of the Gospel on modern Irish culture.  Expert input for 25 minutes.  Q&A for 10 minutes.  Each conference begins at 8 pm.  Open to all.  To take part, just send an email to: thehookoffaith@gmail.com to receive details for the Zoom call.  For details on dates and speakers, please Google:  Hook of Faith Evangelising Irish Culture Today.

‘It is imperative to evangelise cultures in order to inculturate the Gospel.  In countries of Catholic tradition, this means encouraging, fostering and reinforcing a richness which already exists.’  (Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel)



Dromantine Retreat Centre intends to host the following events in November.  Offering a safe welcome back, numbers will be restricted, with social distancing and all Northern Health and Executive directives being adhered to:

‘Broken Open: How difficult times can help us grow’– a Workshop that will explore the potential for discovering courage, compassion and wisdom even in the most painful of life circumstances.  Presented by Fr. Hugh Lagan SMA on Monday 2nd November at 9.30 am – Tuesday 3rd November at 5 pm.  Full cost £115 or €125.

‘Loss and Recovery’:  This seminar will explore loss in its many facets and how it is also an invitation to wholeness.  ‘While the heart grieves for what it has lost, the Spirit dances for that which it has found.’  Presented by Fr. Jim Cogley on Saturday 14th November from 9.30 am to 5 pm.  Full cost £35.

To book, or for further enquiries, Tel 028 3082 1964 or email sma.dromantine@sma.ie



To access a wide variety of initiatives and activities by Derry Diocesan Youth, visit: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DerryDiocesanYouth/   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/derryyouth/



The October edition of ‘The Net’ is now available online, on www.derrydiocese.org.  As always, it features a wide variety of news, interesting and inspiring interviews, articles and photos from parishes across the diocese.  You are invited to read ‘The Net’, on the diocesan website, at your convenience.




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